
Pews News: The 10.30 am service at St Andrew's this Sunday, September 2, will be Morning Praise, not the Family Worship you might have anticipated. The Junior Church will be meeting as well. At 6 pm, St Peter's will be host to an Informal Communion service. This will also be an opportunity to appraise the redecoration of the Church, and maybe to sample the sample chairs, too.

At Pett Methodist Chapel, the 10.45 am service on Sunday will be led by Mr David Hanson. Prior to the Sunday service, there is Messy Church at Pett Chapel tomorrow, Saturday, September 1. It starts at 3 pm. Look out!

Concert Time: Next Saturday, Sept 8, Pett Methodists will be presenting a concert, from 7.30 to 9.30 pm, to be given by the ever popular Fishy, the Rosy Hoydens and the Wilcock family. In the interval there will be an Auction of Beautiful Things that you might be fortunate enough to capture with your winning bids. Tickets are only £5 each, with proceeds going to the upkeep of the Chapel. Book through [email protected]

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