Friends set up a foodbank collection at their school

Nine-year-olds Olly Wright and Finley Hills are collecting for the Chichester District Foodbank. Picture: Kate Shemilt ks171482-1Nine-year-olds Olly Wright and Finley Hills are collecting for the Chichester District Foodbank. Picture: Kate Shemilt ks171482-1
Nine-year-olds Olly Wright and Finley Hills are collecting for the Chichester District Foodbank. Picture: Kate Shemilt ks171482-1
Two nine-year-old friends have set up a foodbank collection at their school.

Olly Wright and Finley Hills wanted to help people in need and arranged to set up the scheme at Duncton CE Junior School.

Nicholas Wright, Olly’s father, explained: “The two boys took it upon themselves to set up a foodbank at their school.

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“The whole thing came about when Olly and Fin were doing a writing club with their teaching assistant and got on to the subject of a foodbank.

“The boys then decided that they wanted to start a food collection point at school because it would help people who were less fortunate.