Heads were bowed

Heads bowed in memory as the September sun warmed the backs of those who remembered the war and the ones who were lost in it.

They might have once been straighter and stronger but they could hardly be held with more dignity as members of the Bexhill branch of the Royal Air Force Association watched their wreath laid in honour of those who died for their country.

The service at the Memorial on Sunday was led by the Reverend David Renshow, honorary branch chaplain, and marked the beginning of Battle of Britain week.

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He asked those attending to recall the valour of the young men and women who did their utmost in 1940 to protect the nation and said: "Give thanks for the sacrifice made for us those 67 years ago."

The wreath was carefully placed at the Memorial by Ken Igglesden, president of the RAFA branch of Bexhill, as nearby stood four standard bearers including the RAFA representative John Leahy.

They listened to the haunting sound of The Last Post which was followed by two minutes silence. Bugler Ron May, of Hooe Village Band, then played Reveille and the chaplain concluded the ceremony with prayers of remembrance.

He added: "When you go home tell them of us, and say; For your tomorrow we gave our today."

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