IN PICTURES: New Year's Day Dip at Wittering Beach

Wittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanksWittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanks
Wittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanks
Around 2,500 spectators watched as 121 brave swimmers took part in the New Year's Day dip at Wittering Beach.

The dip was organised by the 1st Birdham and Witterings Scout Group and among the imaginative fancy dress entrants included Nurse in Fishnets, Major Tim, The Incredible, and Taji to name a Few.

Group scout leader Ray Nye said: “This year again exceeded our expectations in the number of entrants and spectators, and to date we have raised just over £1,000.

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“This event, which the scout group organises, follows our Santa Sleigh fundraising around Birdham, Bracklesham Bay and the Witterings before Christmas, for our own group funds, including rebuilding a new HQ and donations to our other local youth charities.”

Wittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanksWittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanks
Wittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanks

Preceding the dip this year, The East Wittering Guides and the Bracklesham Youth Football Club were presented cheques by Mr Nye on behalf of the scout group.

“Our thanks must go to the Shore Pub for use of their premises, Calamity’s for the Catering, F.A. Holland and Son for the donation of prizes, Hawkins and Smith for extra signage for the event, Griffin Designs, KN Sound and Celebration and The Fishermans Hut for his free electricity supply, Mr Nye said.

“And not forgetting Wittering Fire Service in the water, along with St John’s keeping everybody safe, and of course the general public which made the event the success it was.”

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Wittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanksWittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanks
Wittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanks

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Wittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanksWittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanks
Wittering New Year's Day Dip. All pictures by Ash Black with thanks

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