
COUNTRY MARKET: Newick Country Market will be open as usual today, Friday, from 10am to 11am in the village hall. There is always a good selection of locally grown vegetables, homemade cakes savoury items, fresh eggs, preserves and charcuterie, plus some lovely handmade greetings cards, knitted items, flowers and plants. Please note that during Easter week the market will be open on Thursday March 24 instead of Friday March 25 (Good Friday). Make sure you arrive early so that you are not disappointed as certain items sell out very quickly. You can also enjoy a coffee or tea and a good natter.

CHURCH SERVICES: Services at St Mary’s Church this weekend; Palm Sunday 8am Holy Communion (BCP) and at 9.30 Morning Worship which is also the Leprosy Mission Gift Day. If you require a lift to church please telephone in advance 722582. Everyone welcome to these services.

NEWICK GREEN WI: Will be meeting on Thursday in the Community Centre at 7.45pm. Gilly Halcrow will give an illustrated talk about Special Operations Executive, Churchill’s Secret Army, a tribute to the brave men and women who parachuted behind the enemy lines. Their task being to organise the resistance in the countries that had been occupied by the Nazis as Churchill ordered to Set Europe Ablaze. This sound like a most interesting evening. For further information telephone 01825 722907.

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