DUNCAN BARKES It's all a matter of taste when it comes to foods of the devil...

Never mind the fact we are bombing Libya in a conflict we can ill afford, or that FIFA appears to be as bent as a boomerang, or that Barry Obama has now secured the Irish US vote following his trip to the Emerald Isle to sup Guinness. No, the big world news is the Danes have banned Marmite. People who don't like Marmite fall into the same category as those who always order a Korma in an Indian restaurant, or who refuse kippers for breakfast: bland, boring and frankly not worth the effort, which you could argue is Denmark all over.

Denmark has previous when it comes to banning certain foods. Marmite joins a growing list that includes Rice Crispies, Shreddies, Horlicks and Ovaltine.

It all stems from a piece of legislation that came into force in 2004 which restricts the sale of foods fortified with extra vitamins or minerals. I say we should flush the UK’s stock of Carlsberg down the loo in retaliation.

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