SNOW: Who was responsible for pavements?

I would like to know the name of the person responsible for making the decision not to adequately salt and grit Worthing's roads and pavements.

I pay council tax, business rates and road tax, all of which I thought ensured in snowy weather conditions like we have just had there would be a fund to keep our roads and pavements safe and fit for purpose.

West Sussex councillors take note, that means to be able to drive on the roads and walk on the pavements!

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By deciding not to clear the roads and pavements, I am sure there was a cost to individuals in car accidents and falls which would not, and should not, have happened if someone had made the right decision and cleared our roads and pavements.

Just in case there is any confusion here, I am not talking about random off-the-beat streets, I'm talking about our town centre.

Mandy Dunne

St Lawrence Avenue


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