
Andrew Ratcliffe, Whatlington

St Mary Magdalene church service on Sunday 10th March will be an “all age service” at 10.30am where of course the theme will be around a special person in all our lives as it is also Mothers Day.

A refreshing day in the middle of lent for all us all to enjoy and look forward to a glorious Easter.

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Mountfield & Whatlington school pupils had some new after school clubs to attend this week. These started on Monday with “construction club” with a different them offered everyday until Fridays when the after school club is sports activities.Please contact the school office direct to get the full list and enrol if your child is interested in these after school clubs.

Thank you to Hilda Aplin for the following update regarding the “Good Companions”

“The Good Companions met at Whatlington Village Hall last week for their traditional post Christmas lunch. The tables were beautifully set out, the tablecloths in red and white with crackers to match. The aromas of the food being served for lunch filled the hall, s everyone waited in anticipation for the lunch. Tomato soup with lovely fresh bread was the first course, home baked gammon, home made sausage pie, homemade quiche, free range eggs, small sausages, salads, delicious new potatoes were all part of the main, accompanied , of course, but homemade chutney. Homemade lemon trifle, homemade apple pie and fresh fruit meringues followed the main course, all served with fresh cream if required. Tea/ coffee were served at the end of the meal for those who had room for it. I have to add that this was all accompanied by white or rose wine.

Can I hear you saying I wish I could have been there? Well you can join this group. We meet up once a month usually on a Wednesday, mainly for companionship. Outings are arranged every month and if you do not wish to come to any of the outings then that is up to you. Please telephone Hilda on 01424 777358 if you would like any further information.

This month we welcomed Jeffrey & Rosalind to our group.

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May I please take this opportunity of thanking all the members for contributing towards a very delicious meal, I know enjoyed by all.

Next month, Wednesday March 20th we will be visiting “The Royal Oak” at Whatlington for a pub lunch, 12 o’clock for 12.30pm. If you have not returned the form indicating your choice of food, could you please do so if you wish to come? Again if you would like to come and do not belong to The Good Companions, please let me know; the more the merrier!

On Wednesday, April 17th Roger Fisher has kindly offered to talk the group and the title of his talk is ““A Single Sentence”. I would imagine that you are now thinking, what will this be about? I do not know myself so this is something to intrigue us all. We are making this an “open” meeting so please do come and support us so that Roger has a good audience to listen to what will be a very interesting talk. This event will be at Whatlington village hall starting at 2pm. Entrance £1.00 to go towards hire of hall. Light refreshments will be served and there will be a raffle.

May I take this opportunity of thanking all my dear friends for their continued support, which is so much appreciated. Not a day goes past now when somebody does not telephone me and call around to make sure I am okay.

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You do not really know how much this lifts my spirit and helps me get through what has been a very distressing time…thank you so very much. As you all will know, friendships are very important to me and I do appreciate yours.”

News from Alex at The Royal Oak:

It was nice to be back doing the quiz last week, don’t forget we hold a quiz every Thursday evening from 8pm for teams of up to six people. £1 per person entry and the winning team has a chance to win the jackpot.

Film Club members all enjoyed the showing of Skyfall last week in The Barn. The next film to be shown will be Hope Springs starring Meryl Streep on Friday March 22nd at 8pm, for further Film Club information, please contact steve.messages@virgin.net.

The next Village Hall Jumble Sale is Saturday 16th March, doors open at 10am. If you have jumble to donate, please drop off at the pub or call Angie on 01424 870087.

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Rock n Roll Night in the Village Hall is coming up on Saturday 30th March from 8pm, and will be a brilliant evening with DJ, dancing and a light supper for £10 per ticket. With proceeds going to the Village Hall, if you would like a ticket please contact Angie on 01424 870087.

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