Shoreham company cooks and delivers free meals to NHS staff and elderly residents

Stuart MacGarvie and Councillor Andy McGregorStuart MacGarvie and Councillor Andy McGregor
Stuart MacGarvie and Councillor Andy McGregor
A Shoreham-based company is delivering free meals to as many as 100 NHS staff and local residents who are elderly or living in isolation.

The freshly cooked, healthy meals are being prepared in The Hut – in the in-house canteen of IT and telecoms firm Focus Group, based in Shoreham’s Ham Road.

They are then delivered to Worthing Hospital and Shoreham locals from Monday to Friday.

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Stuart MacGarvie, chef and manager at The Hut, said: “We are keeping very busy preparing batches of food in the morning for local residents, while another goes out in the evening to NHS staff coming off shift, so they can take something home that is nourishing and nutritious, giving them one less thing to worry about.

“Fridays are spent making sweet treats to keep people going over the weekend, with something special to enjoy.”

Chris Goodman, Joint Managing Director at Focus Group, said: “With our own canteen facilities on-site, it was an obvious decision to help our NHS heroes and those vulnerable in society stay well-fed during this global crisis.

“We are involved with a great deal of charities and community fundraising day-to-day anyway, so there was no question about pooling our resources as a business and doing our bit.