Anger over education officer no-show

West Sussex County Council is consulting on the closure of Rumboldswhyke School.ks190444-3 SUS-190730-215059008West Sussex County Council is consulting on the closure of Rumboldswhyke School.ks190444-3 SUS-190730-215059008
West Sussex County Council is consulting on the closure of Rumboldswhyke School.ks190444-3 SUS-190730-215059008
Chichester District Council plans to write to Ofsted to ask inspectors to look into education services at West Sussex County Council.

The decision was made after Paul Wagstaff, the county’s director of education & skills, pulled out of a meeting to discuss education in the district.

The discussion with the overview & scrutiny committee, would have included the proposed closure of three small schools in the county, Rumboldswhyke Infants, Clapham & Patching Primary, and Stedham Primary.

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While Mr Wagstaff sent his apologies and agreed to attend the next meeting, in March, members felt this would be too late as the consultation into the future of the schools would almost be over.

Feelings about the proposals were already running high and Mr Wagstaff’s absence appeared to be the final straw for some.

After hearing from residents, one of whom said getting answers out of the education department was ‘like getting blood out of a stone’, the committee shared their own concerns.

There were questions about the reliability of the data provided by the county when it came to future pupil numbers in the area, while others questioned whether people could have ‘faith’ in the decisions being made at County Hall.

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Sarah Sharp (Green, Chichester South) said: “This has been going on for a long time – more than six months – the public have no more confidence in West Sussex as a body to look at itself.

“It needs somebody from the outside to come in and look at it.”

Last year, Ofsted rated children’s services at the county council ‘inadequate’ – a fact highlighted by several members, including Clare Apel (Lib Dem, Chichester West).

She called for representatives of that service to also speak to the district council.

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