Keeping it green in Hambrook

THE VISION of spreading the organic word to younger generations has become a reality due to the perseverance of a Hambrook woman.

Maggie Haynes, 53, is the founder of Tuppenny Barn Organics and Education and has worked tirelessly for nine years in a bid to transform an overgrown two-acre plot of land into a thriving, educational community hub.

“It was just a green field site, it had grass that was taller than me and one barn, but now we have the education centre, wildlife pond, orchard, compost, soft fruit, recyclable plastic greenhouse, flower garden and willow dome,” said Maggie.

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After buying the land in 2004, determined Maggie planted, hedged and fenced for two years before being joined by colleague and horticulturist Becca Flood.

Together the pair welcomed a school visit from Chidham Primary School, where the children planted 30 fruit trees... and it all grew from there.

Based between Southbourne and Emsworth, the organic smallholding now attracts more than 12 school visits a year, enabling youngsters to engage with their environment and share information on how to grow, cook and eat the best kind of food.

Talking about what inspired her to take this path, Maggie said, “It’s two-fold. When I first started it was to grow food for the local community and to provide an inspirational environment for children to learn about the environment.”

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Maggie is determined to see Tuppenny Barn flourish even more, hoping to see an indoor educational centre being completed this year, which will provide a space for community events, meetings and courses.

Work began on building the structure, made from natural and sustainable materials, in April, 2011.

Depending on funding, Maggie has high hopes of seeing the centre open in September.

“Seeing the education centre grow is truly amazing. It’s going to be very much a community building, open to the public, and a lot of groups can hire it for their activities. It provides a lovely backdrop and a chance for us to talk to people about sustainability,” said Maggie.

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