1960s revival will help toddler with paralysis

Musicians are going back to the '60s to help an Angmering toddler with a rare genetic condition.
Some of the musicians with Charlie and his dad Jamie Fielding, beside the billboard for Back to the 60s Revival at the Riverside ballroomSome of the musicians with Charlie and his dad Jamie Fielding, beside the billboard for Back to the 60s Revival at the Riverside ballroom
Some of the musicians with Charlie and his dad Jamie Fielding, beside the billboard for Back to the 60s Revival at the Riverside ballroom

Two-year-old Charlie Fielding became paralysed from the waist down due arteriovenous malformation.

His condition is so rare, an international team is working with experts at Great Ormond Street Hospital to find ways to help him.

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Family and friends have been raising funds for physiotherapy sessions at Neurokinex Gatwick, which provides neurological activity-based rehabilitation for people living with various levels of paralysis.

A major boost will come from Back to the ’60s Revival annual charity night, involving 35 local musicians. They will be performing in the ballroom at Riverside Caravan Centre in Bognor Regis on Saturday, February 17, from 7pm to midnight, with Percy Nowell as compère.

Original artists from The Detours and Friends will feature alongside Johnny Devlin, The Diamonds with Pete Manville, The Fenmen with Roy Haines, The Southbeats, Dave Harris from The Concords and Chalky.

Musician Tony Carter, Charlie’s uncle, said: “This will be an evening of live music by musicians from that era who will be giving their services free and are hoping to raise thousands of pounds for Charlie’s cause.”

Tickets are £12.50 from the centre on 01243 865823.

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Charlie and his twin sister Poppy were born prematurely at 30 weeks in March 2015. He spent much of the first year of his life in and out of hospital but finally appeared to be on the up and on the verge of walking at 18 months old.

Then, in October 2016, he was found to have a swelling on his spine. This arteriovenus malformation has resulted in paralysis from the waist down.

Parents Jamie and Becky Fielding say Charlie is a cheeky chap and very determined. Physiotherapy is giving him the best possible chance at a normal life.

They said: “Much of the equipment we need cannot be provided by the NHS, so we therefore need to raise funds for equipment like this, as well as further private physio sessions and hydrotherapy to try and give Charlie the same quality of life and opportunities as his twin and older sister.

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