
Ardingly newsArdingly news
Ardingly news
ST. PETER'S CHURCH: Sunday 26th March. Mothering Sunday (4th Sunday of Lent) 8.00am Holy Communion. (BCP) 10.15am A café style service for Mothering Sunday in the Church Centre. A chance over breakfast for all-ages to celebrate and give thanks for all that motherhood means. Refreshments served from 10.00am and throughout the service.

Ardingly College IT drop in: The term time free Ardingly IT drop in sessions have re-start again at Ardingly College at 4.30pm - 5.30pm. Turn up and take your turn - sometimes there is a queue but often there isn’t. Bring your laptop tablet or phone with you - and any list you have of things you would like to be able to do. You will be paired up with one of the 12 volunteer students who will give you 1:1 guidance and help.

Follow the Computer Help signs as you enter the main College entrance and park where you can. Watch out for the students who will be watching out for you to take you to the ground floor room where the sessions take place, every week up to and including Monday 27 March. Ring 01444 242 760 and leave a message if you would like more information.

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