
Keith Pollard

Brookfield, Broadway

There will be… just the one service in our churches this Sunday, May 26, and that is the 10.30am service of Morning Praise at St Andrew’s.

Any questions…? Such as, what’s the weather forecast? When’s high tide? Answers: You can find out at a glance on the village website! There is diary of events, Parish Council news, plus ‘for sale’ and forum pages, and much more. Do please have a look and bookmark the page as one of your favourites. It’s at www.fairlight.org.uk Of course, you can also follow the village goings-on with a look at this, your own Village Voice, always full of useful information and opinion, and quite often a smile or two as well…

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The Fairlight Residents’ Association… held its AGM on the Wednesday of last week. The club reported a most satisfactory year and, among the Officers and Committee, only Vice Chairman Alan Grant was replaced – by Trevor Lewing, already know