Give street drinkers a place to go to avoid town centre disruption, councillor argues

Councillor Jim BrooksCouncillor Jim Brooks
Councillor Jim Brooks
Street drinkers should be given a place to go to stop them causing disruption in Bognor Regis town centre, a councillor has suggested.

District and town councillor Jim Brooks questioned why disruptive individuals could not be ‘removed’, which could improve the town’s reputation.

His comments came as Arun District Council’s environment and leisure working group discussed the performance of the authority’s antisocial behaviour team on Tuesday (October 24).

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Mr Brooks, Independent councillor for Marine ward, said: “We’ve got the upstairs of the health centre in the centre of Bognor which is empty. We have the upstairs of Wetherspoons in the town centre which is empty. We may have place for a cabin to be put.

“Is it not possible for the safety of the rough sleepers and the drinkers to have them removed to a place where they can be cared for dealt with or whatever is required? Perhaps we could have a business warden permanently managing that station during shopping hours.

“They are there and it does bring the whole town down in Bognor.”

The working group heard from Arun community safety manager Georgina Bouette, whose team was praised by councillors.

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They heard how a street community outreach keyworker had engaged with ten ‘prolific’ and ‘entrenched’ members of the street community, reducing their criminality and re-offending by 97 per cent.