UFOs and the paranormal with Malcolm Robinson: Cellular memory - part 2

CASE STUDY 1: There was a case in which an 18-year-old boy who amongst other things, wrote poetry, played music and wrote songs. Sadly he was killed in a car accident. A year later, his mother and father came across an audiotape of a song he had written entitled “Danny, My Heart Is Yours”.

Apparently this song was about the way he felt at that time and he believed that he was about to die and that he was giving his ‘heart’ to someone. Now, the donor recipient of this young boy’s heart was an 18-year-old girl called Danielle.

The story goes that Danielle met up with the deceased boy’s parents and the parents played them a song on audiotape that their son had written. Now Danielle had never met the parents, never met their son never heard his music, but was able to there and then complete the phrases of his songs!


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CASE STUDY 2: A seven-month-old baby boy received a heart from a 16-month-old boy who had drowned. The donor child had a mild form of cerebral palsy mostly down its left hand side.

Now the recipient child did not display any systems whatsoever of cerebral palsy prior to the transplant, and, you’ve guessed it, once the transplant was completed the recipient child developed the very same stiffness and shaking on its left hand side.


How about this one?

CASE STUDY 3: A 47-year-old white male received the heart of a 17-year-old African-American male. Shortly after the transplant the recipient was astonished by his newly found love of classical music. And again you know what’s coming, the recipient of the heart found out that his donor absolutely loved classical music and played the violin. Indeed, the donor had died in a drive by shooting clutching his violin case to his chest.


It get’s stranger?

CASE STUDY 4: A 29-year-old lesbian, who was a serious fast food junkie, received the heart from a 19-year-old woman vegetarian who was ‘man crazy’. The recipient reported that after her operation that eating meat made her sick and she was…..wait for it….no longer attracted to women. Indeed she became engaged to marry a ‘man’!

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One of the more unusual cases that I noted whilst watching this TV documentary the other evening, was a lady called Claire Sylvia. Claire received a heart and lung transplant and like most cellular memory cases, after the operation she started to crave for beer and chicken nuggets, neither of which she had a taste for prior to the transplant.

She later tracked down who her donor was and was astonished to learn that her donor’s favourite food was chicken nuggets, indeed, he had just purchased some chicken nuggets prior to being involved in a motorcycle accident and these nuggets were found inside his motorcycle jacket.


CASE STUDY 5: You know, the more one looks at the testimony and case studies as I have done for this article, the more the subject of cellular memory astounds me. Here is another case that I come across.

After a young man came out of his transplant surgery he said to his mother, “Everything is copastic”. His mother stated that her son had never used those words before the surgery but now he was saying it all the time. It later transpired when he tracked down the donor’s wife, that this sentence “Everything is copastic”, had been used by the donor to signal to his wife after they had had an argument, that everything was okay.

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He used it all the time. The donor’s wife was reported as saying that her husband and herself had had an argument just before his fatal death and they had sadly never made up.


My final example of what could be ‘cellular memory’ will shortly bring me into something which I was asked to keep out of my article by my girlfriend due to the strong possibility, that this article may well, (depending on who reads it) cause concern for anyone going under the surgeon’s knife to await a transplant. Before we go their however, let me tell you about this case and how it leads me into what could be a controversial topic.



CASE STUDY 6: This case study comes from Paul Pearsall, MD a psychoneuroimmunologist, (glad I don’t have to type that a few more times!) Anyway Paul has done his own research into cellular memory and the possibility of transfer of memory through organ transplant. He has reached the conclusion that cells of living tissue have the capacity to remember. What follows is one of Paul’s best cases.

An eight-year-old girl received the heart of a ten-year-old girl who had tragically been murdered. Not long after the transplant the recipient of the heart, had terrible and distressing nightmares of a man murdering her donor. The dreams got so bad that her family had to seek out the services of a psychiatrist. Now such was the distress of this young girl and the vividness of her dreams more so the face of the murderer in her dreams, that they took the unusual step of contacting the police.

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They informed the police all of what the little girl had described in her dreams. The face of the man, his clothes, the weapon, the location, the very clothes that he wore. Not only that, they also told the police what the little girl who was murdered said to the murderer and who told the donor recipient girl in her dream. Using the young girl’s description, the police managed to track down and catch the killer who was easily convicted with the details provided by the donor recipient.

Now this leads me into what I mentioned above, the territory that my partner said I shouldn’t mention for fear of playing on the minds of those who require transplants.

But when one looks at the overall picture of this phenomenon, I’ve always said that no matter what, we should always relate the facts, put forward suppositions for other people to assess and look at. This is the dilemma.


INHERANT DANGERS: If the phenomenon of cellular memory is true, does it have any inherent dangers? What I mean is, if someone were to be given the transplanted heart of a serial killer, would macabre and evil thoughts surface to the recipient individual making him or her commit a crime that previously went against his or her own physiological make up?

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And if so, how would this go down in a court of law? Would they try and get out of this crime on a technicality? People are now accepting that some people have these donor implanted ‘inherited memories’, but would this be good enough to present as ‘evidence’ in a court of law?

To re-iterate. Say someone who has received the heart of a serial murderer, goes out to commit a crime, their defence is to say this is something that they would never have done prior to receiving the heart of a killer and as such they don’t want to go to jail because the donor’s ‘memories’ has somehow infringed onto their very psyche and led them to commit this atrocity. Now tell me this reader, which lawyer would take that one up!

One lady doctor who was interviewed on this TV show stated that it was hard enough to get organ donors at the best of times, but if people were suddenly to be informed that if they have a transplant that they ‘might’ have the other deceased person’s memory’, well that could really reduce the stock of organ donations to hospitals around the world.

Fair point, I mea