Dotto train would be good for town

Eastbourne's Dotto TrainEastbourne's Dotto Train
Eastbourne's Dotto Train
From: ADRIENNE BEATON, Ashford Road, Hastings

I would like to agree with all the sentiments in Sylvia Tolcher’s letter (July 6) and add that I have sent an email to Mr Gulzar suggesting he might encourage our council to run a dotto train between The Old Town, the pier to the Azur or even up to the Hastings castle.

This would enable a lot of our elderly visitors coming by coach to see more of our town, not easily done on foot.

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The dotto train in Eastbourne is very successful during the summer months.

This would alleviate the problem faced by other visitors dropped off in Falaise Road as per the other letter in the Observer, although why that driver couldn’t drop off his passengers in the Old Town or on the promenade 
as other drivers do, where they could pick up the dotto train.

I too wish Mr Gulzar well with his plans and like Mrs Tolcher, and many others, remember all the buildings and activities mentioned in her letter.