'Leave nature alone'

TO TONY Burton, project director for the so-called Greencore Group (Gazette letters, January 14), I would say leave wild nature alone – we will crave it even more when it has gone.

Our industrial mode of production has been a disaster, with eco-systems failing far and wide, strewn with the by-products of oil, the "precious black gold", so essential to industrial farming.

From where will we get our food, when the last dregs of oil have been sucked from the "lifeblood" of Gaia, and the supermarkets have gone?

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Developers like Greencore have a mindset in concrete and tar and are speeding towards autogeddon.

Dazed, traumatised and alienated by the disconnection from the earth, we can no longer hear our own primal voice (scream?). It has been subdued and drowned out by the machine – so out of control. We have lost so much. . .

I enjoyed the Black Ditch and the surrounding fields as a boy, and discovered the nest sites of all the birds, so threatened by modern farming and development now.

Farewell grey partridge, corn bunting and tree sparrow, along with the wild spring hare.

Keith Dodman

Clarence Avenue
