Pavement 'only safe place to cycle'

Pavement cyclists have been defended by pedalling councillors from North Bersted.

Tony Kemp and Martin Lury both said at a meeting of Bersted Parish Council that cyclists sometimes had to ride illegally to stay safe from motorists.

The police have launched a well-publicised crackdown on pavement cyclists after a serious accident between one and a four-year-old girl in Aldwick Road.

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But cyclist Cllr Kemp said the speed and amount of traffic left cyclists around his home in Shripney scared to use the A29 into Bognor.

"Most of them use the footpath down to Rowan Way. We've asked for a speed camera to be installed up there where there are a lot of accidents. But nothing gets done about it and we never see a police officer around there," he said.

Cllr Lury, a keen cyclist, said he had been forced to use the pavements to stay alive.

"If I had not done that, I would not be here today."

One of Bersted's police community support officers, Bill Prior, said cycling on the pavement was the priority issue which the public raised with him.

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"I sympathise with what you are saying," he told the councillors, "but two wrongs don't make a right."

PCSO Prior admitted to some close shaves with motorists while he cycled around his beat even with his high visibility jacket on.

Offending cyclists over 16 were given a 30 fixed penalty notice. Those who were between 10 and 16 received two written warnings before being fined. Younger cyclists were told to dismount.