Hailsham residents urged to ‘stay vigilant’ following easing of lockdown restrictions

Mayor Paul Holbrook and Katie Richards (Photo by Jon Rigby) SUS-200302-124150008Mayor Paul Holbrook and Katie Richards (Photo by Jon Rigby) SUS-200302-124150008
Mayor Paul Holbrook and Katie Richards (Photo by Jon Rigby) SUS-200302-124150008
Hailsham residents have been urged to ‘stay vigilant’ and continue to socially distance following the recent easing of lockdown restrictions.

Town mayor Paul Holbrook issued the message on Monday (June 1) and also says he ‘welcomes’ the proposed reopening of shops, with a June 15 target date set.

The mayor said, “Hailsham has done so well over the past two months and I’m extremely proud of those of you who have respected social distancing rules and those who are looking after each other.

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“I urge everyone to stay vigilant and continue to follow the advice of health experts as we are not out of the woods yet.”

In the mayor’s weekly message to residents he highlighted that some are still not following social distancing rules and the impact this can have on people.

He said, “It seems not everyone in our community is getting the message. A small minority of people are not observing the regulations, perhaps not realising the impact their decision to flout social distancing measures can have on family, friends and the community - in particular, those who are classed as vulnerable.”

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