5 creative activities to keep kids entertained at home

As schools remain closed, you may have run out of ideas to keep the little ones occupied. 

Once their educational activities are out of the way, the last thing you want is your children running around the house aimlessly, or getting up to no good. 

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So, to help keep the household and your sanity intact and to keep your kids amused, get your family’s creativity flowing with these fun activities below.

Finger painting

Put the traditional tools down and swap your paint brushes for your fingers. 

This is sure to go down a treat, as children not only love colours, but they relish any excuse to get messy.

Lay down a sheet of plastic (old tarpaulins or spare bin liners do the trick) so that you can simply pick up and bin the mess in one fell swoop, while also protecting your floors and furniture. 

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Natural landscapes are always the best choice to paint with your fingers, as they don't tend to require the neat lines you find in paintings of man made structures. 

Play dress up

Let the kids explore different sides of their personalities by dressing up in a variety of homemade costumes. 

Go hunting with your child through the family's wardrobes to find any old and forgotten items you could incorporate into a new look. 

Try recreating the look of their favourite TV or book characters, and hold a mini catwalk show in your home to finish it off. Make sure to photograph the results, to enjoy this for years to come.

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