5 ways to make bread if you're missing some key ingredients

Many people want to try their hand at baking at the moment, but some are having difficulty getting hold of ingredients.

Though supermarkets have been working around the clock to keep shelves stocked and the government has advised that stockpiling isn't necessary, some items - such as bread, eggs and tinned goods - are currently in short supply.

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As an everyday staple, many are keen to bake bread to avoid extra supermarket trips. Though typical bread recipes require ingredients like yeast and bread flour, there are still ways of making bread without them.

Sourdough starter (if you don't have yeast)

If you can't find any yeast at your local shop, don't give up just yet - there are plenty of ways to make bread without it.

One way of getting around a lack of yeast is to make your own sourdough starter. Though this will require some patience, you'll be able to continue growing it and using it to bake with for a long time.

The BBC has a simple recipe here. Though it recommends using strong white bread flour, some other online recipes use all-purpose flour, so it's worth shopping around for one that suits what you have at home.

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Irish soda bread (if you don't have yeast or eggs)

If you have baking soda, you can use it in place of yeast to make Irish soda bread. It's more dense than bread you might make using yeast, but just as tasty.

This recipe requires just four ingredients and produces bread very quickly.

Quick bread (if you don't have yeast or baking powder)

This recipe shows you how to make a sweet or savoury bread without yeast. If you don't have any baking powder but do have self-raising flour, you can leave out the baking powder altogether.

Unlike the above recipe, however, this bread recipe does require eggs.

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Naan bread (if you don't have yeast or self-raising flour)

Naan bread can be made quickly and easily with just a few ingredients. Though it might not be the same as a regular loaf, it'll still be tasty dunked in soup or curry. You can find a no-yeast recipe here.

Flatbreads (If you don't have yeast, baking power or self-raising flour)

Using just flour, water and oil, you can easily make your own flat breads for all sorts of meals - from an accompaniment with curry, to a wrap for Mexican tortillas.
