New micro-budget West Sussex film offers tale of two people "trapped in a time warp of misfortune"

Two people who fall in love “are trapped in a time warp of inevitable misfortune” in a new micro-budget film shot in West Sussex.

East Grinstead-based Rusalka Pictures have now launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise money towards costs and publicity as the film moves towards its premiere – a film “shot on a shoestring of a few pizzas, a couple of roses and a couple of extras”, says Horsham-based producer Xander Phillips. You can support the movie on

Pavilion, a time-travel paradox love story filmed entirely at East Court Grounds, East Grinstead, will be screened for the first time on Saturday, September 10 at Scott Cinemas, East Grinstead. The cast includes Tim van den Berg and Pip Rose; and the director is Eveshka Ghost.

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Xander is looking forward to it seeing the light of day four years after it was made: “There were no permits so we had to show up and film and had no control over the environment. Anything could be happening: a football match, dog walkers, groups of kids with boom-boxes pumping out music I could never afford the rights to! It was a nightmare, but it brought the team closer together. It was us versus the outside world. Somehow, with a combination of planning and having a lot of plan Bs, we were able to complete the shooting, which took place in the summer of 2018.

“East Court Grounds is a kind of park and there were diggers there. They were doing a lot of work and there were changes being made. It was getting more developed so it was good to do this film really as a record of how it was. We finished in 2018 and we have been working on other films in the meantime and now we can concentrate on this. We are needing to raise something like £700 through the Kickstarter.

“It is very strange to be looking at it now because there are some people who moved away. You watch it and you think ‘Oh that's the guy that we knew back then!’ But what we hope will come across is the fact that we had a really great time making it, that it was a really fun thing to do. We kept going there whatever the elements and we kept working on it.

“This is a story of a young man who meets a girl and unfortunately after meeting and making a connection with her, she gets murdered. Once she gets murdered, he goes back in time to before they met in an attempt to stop it happening. It's set in the 1990s and filmed in the style of one of the films that you would have seen in the 1990s.”

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