Memoirs of a hero - our very own Dan Dare

Tony BeasleyTony Beasley
Tony Beasley
Back in the 1940s Emsworth man Tony Beasley really was the little boy who ran away to sea. Beneath The Restless Wave – Memoirs Of A Cold War Submariner (Casemate Publishers, £20, available from book shops and online) tells his story.

Co-author Edward Couzens-Lake, of Barnham, said: “Tony (86) tells, in his own words, some of the adventures he had during the time he was serving with the Royal Navy.

“Primarily this is a book about a sailor, the everyday matelot who made up the strong backbone of the servicemen who were, as Tony witnessed for himself, held in very high esteem by Lord Louis Mountbatten, a former First Sea Lord.

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“His very earliest memories relate to his time as a boy sailor, a time a time when the discipline meted out might mean six harsh strokes of the cane and where young boys were expected to climb to the very top of a mast, some 185 feet above a ship’s deck and with no safety equipment issued, simply to prove themselves to their superiors.